How to use retropie for video game streaming
How to use retropie for video game streaming

how to use retropie for video game streaming

It’s great to have people support you at all hours of the day. We talk almost every morning and work through any problems people are having, on-stream and off. Between these two groups I’ve found some of the most supportive people out there.

how to use retropie for video game streaming

Ryan: I love the Black Twitch Collective, and I’m an admin for the Twitch Streaming Connection. Have you found any communities that support you on your stream journey? TAG: It sounds like there’s definitely a lot to be done. I want to do whatever it takes to make a difference here. It would also be great to do some co-streams with gamers who have sickle cell. They have a chapter in Houston that I could work with to continue pushing these efforts further. Ryan: If this thing outgrows me, I would definitely look forward to doing a collaboration with Sickle Cell of America. What are your long-term goals for making an impact on sickle cell patients? TAG: Hopefully you clipped that dance! Let’s look beyond this initial push to raise money. One person even donated enough to have me dance on stream to show my appreciation for their support! For a $1 donation, I’ll give a gracious ‘thank you’ on the stream. I also created in-stream thank yous that correlate with specific donation sizes. Ryan: I’ll be accepting donations all month and have set a goal of $1,000. TAG: That’s great that you are putting in the work to support your people! What are your short-term goals for the stream? I wanted to raise awareness and contribute for the people in my life who battle with sickle cell. Once I started researching on my own, I noticed there weren’t many resources on the subject. I had known about the disease for a long time but had never actively learned more about it. Ryan: I have two friends and an aunt who are affected by sickle cell. TAG: Talk to me about why you are raising money for sickle cell anemia. Being a variety streamer, I get to tap into different topics from music to anime to gaming. Ryan: The interaction with different types of people is great! You get to meet a lot of people who share a common interest that you otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to talk to.

how to use retropie for video game streaming

TAG: I’m going to check back in with you in August for the music updates! What do you love most about streaming? Look out for something this summer on the music side! I’m creating new music for streamers and learning mixing and mastering on the side. While video games are my main content, I started producing beats on my stream as well. As a father of a young child, I typically start my stream later at night once she’s gone to sleep. Ryan: It actually depends on the time of day and what’s going on at any given point. TAG: Why video games? Do you stream any non-gaming content? I started out really simple with the Twitch app on my Xbox One and have continued to improve my setup since then. After watching her stream, it looked really cool and she recommended that I try it out. Ryan: I was introduced to it by a friend. Two Average Gamers: How’d you get into streaming? We sat down with a streamer named Ryan who is using his passion for gaming to help raise money to advocate for people affected by sickle cell conditions! Streamer Beginnings African Americans are at a relatively high risk of having the disease, with 1 in 13 babies being born with sickle cell. Treatment options are different for anyone living with sickle cell, and for many patients, there is no viable cure. A person inflicted with the disease has red blood cells that are shaped like sickles, instead of the round shape that healthy cells have. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen through your body.

How to use retropie for video game streaming